250,000 Moons have now been tipped in r/CryptoCurrency!

Today the Moons community hit a major milestone as we passed the 250,000 Moons tipped!

Note that this is not the same as total Moons transactions. On ccmoons.com I define a Moon tip as transaction of a whole number of Moons (between 1 and 100) involving two addresses that I can link to Reddit usernames. While not a perfect definition, it helps filter out purchases/bets/txs to alt accounts/etc. I include larger tips if a user reaches out to me or I manually confirm it.

Here are some more statistics and graphs I've compiled about Moon tips!

  • 5,023 unique Redditors have sent Moon tips
  • 17,319 unique Redditors have Moon tips
  • ~35,600 Moon tip transactions have been sent
  • August 20, 2021 had the largest number of tip transactions, with 951!

Tipping Growth

And let's celebrate the largest tippers on the sub!

Most Users Tipped Leaderboard

Most Moons Tipped Leaderboard

TL;DR: Moon tipping is up and to the right

submitted by /u/ominous_anenome
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